Posts Tagged ‘ Recession ’

‘Double Dip” Recession? Posted This Week by Rahim Thawer, Managing Director of Disruptive Strategies Inc

We continue to experience high unemployment, Europe’s debt crisis, quivering housing market descending stock prices.  The US economic recovery still remains a concern and we continue to see it trending towards a double dip recession.  Despite unprecedented fiscal stimulus, fears of a double dip recession persist through 2010!  Can this be an opportunity for investors, corporations, companies to capitalize on? Absolutely!

There is constant negativity that is being channeled through media to scare investors and companies and to shake consumer confidence to slow the recovery process.  The media and the elite few constantly re-visit the recent collapse of the financial system and structure according to the trending market analysis.

While there may be a hindrance in the financial system to produce monetary capital to sustain the current financial model, that is obsolete, the opportunities do exists and businesses simply have to restructure their daily operations based on various external factors to survive this desolate cycle.  Recession not only brings detrimental outcomes but also benevolent liberty in almost every field, the key is to identify them and for strong short term strategies.  The future is of those who are creative and are not intimidated by financial agitation but rather put their best foot forward and go full force.  This is the time to revisit old concepts and re-strategize to rebuild your businesses and let your competition experience a triple dip recession!

Global Recession: A Paradigm Shift?

Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc CEO / Founder Rahim Thawer post this week “Global Recession: A Paradigm Shift?”

As we see challenges in the global economies, we must also simulate new models not only to get us through the survival mode but also to make our organizations stronger and more powerful than ever before.  However, the question we must ask ourselves as the executives of our comprehensive domain, can we handle the growth?  Are we ready for the paradigm shift?

With or without you, this shift is happening across various industries and sectors and it has never been as aggressive in the past.  Paradigm shift is contributing and making its presence appreciative in the organizational structure of many creative companies and bring worlds together and making them smaller.  It is now that we must embrace and accept it by formulating new strategies for not only growth but sustaining current state.

This recession brings abundance of opportunities for any business regardless of industry they are in.  If you are an entrepreneur and can’t seem to find that gold nugget, I say you are not looking hard enough.  You need to look harder and find the opportunity within your industry.  We simply have to position ourselves to be on the receiving side and not on the giving side. 

In the next few years will encounter a number of changes in the business world and many times these changes will affect us as well, but we have to be the judge of whether that impacts us in a positive manner and not negative.  This shift needs to be initiated in every organization from the frontend such as business development and sales to the backend like the financials, etc. 

 My Thoughts: Create positive synergies amongst your partners and related industries; don’t wait for them to happen!  Be creative and think logically before making a commitment, especially long term commitment.   Are we ready for the Paradigm Shift? Or should I ask are you ready for the Shift?

Rahim Thawer /

CEO of Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc

US Recession: Do we have a Lifeline?

Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc CEO / Founder Rahim Thawer post this week “US Recession: Do we have a Lifeline?”

Americans have always been in the front lines battling and fighting other economies’ challenges by providing loan assistant programs to foreign aid to even outsourcing of American jobs.  Well, outsourcing jobs can be also looked at as adding to the American corporation bottom line, but at the end of the day, we contributed heavily in providing assistance in times of need.  Are we going to see that gesture reciprocated from these countries?  Obviously, I am not asking for them to contribute on the monetary aspect but rather on the trade side.

I don’t expect the developing countries with limited resources to play a role in this arena but countries like China and India where the economies are not necessarily parallel with the US Economy but rather diverse in some aspects.  I remember when India had so many graduates like doctors and engineers on the streets polishing shoes and running some business to barely put food on the table.  Today, a number of American jobs have been outsourced to Indians from IT, Engineering to even medical field.  These countries are not only taking over US jobs but also sending their professionals over to the US to create their presence here as well.

It is time we re-think all the foreign trade agreements before one of these countries surpasses our economy and puts us in the backseat.  This battle can very well be a one man battle but collectively we form parallel agreement and have similar mindset to tackle this issue.  If we continue on the current path, I am sorry to say but it is a path to devastation.  We are already seeing failures at all levels of organizations including the government.  We need to adapt to new ways of thinking and also revisit our old traditions and heritage. 

The US Government is running out of money and if they are not careful we will be headed to another recession even before we come out of this one.  There is no country out there that is going to keep lending us money at such a low rate whereas they can invest the same money in other countries and get a return of 500%, granted it is a risky investment but the returns are stunning.  As citizens of this amazing nation, we need to take it upon ourselves to create lifelines in our everyday dealings and find creative ways to generate growth.  If you are a small company operating from a remote location, go online and explore options to export your merchandise on the global market.  If you are a consultant seeking a job in the US, think again and look for opportunities abroad.  If you are an intern seeking a job, go work at a firm for free even if you have to go fetch coffee all day.  Be productive, think outside of the box!   

My Thoughts: The only Lifeline America has is its people and freedom to practice Capitalism.  If you have fear of failing then you have already failed.  Do not fear and go for it.  Even if you fail, so what get up and try again and again till you reach your goals.  I will not wish you luck, because you don’t need it, you have the spirit of capitalism and entrepreneurship in you, so go out there and “Make it Happen.”

Rahim Thawer /

CEO of Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc

Federal Deficits keeps soaring and prolongs Recession.

Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc CEO / Founder Rahim Thawer post this week “Federal Deficits keeps soaring and prolongs Recession”

As the Federal Deficits soar, it puts our economy in a perplexing position amongst the foreign investors who are holding these notes and are reluctant to offer any further resources regardless of zero default by the federal government. The question they face with, whether the US can service its debt not to mention the ticking time bombs, the Medicare and Social Security. The federal revenues also keep declining based on a various external factors such as loss of jobs which restricts the consumers to spend money which in return lowers the sales tax. There is also a formidable struggle for the local businesses as the bankruptcy filings have gone up to almost 62% reflecting 55,000 business filings.

The small businesses account for 70% of the employment and we don’t see any funds allocated in the stimulus package. Well, if you studied economics you would know that there are two distinct possibilities for the government to pull out of this recession. First, the government increases taxes through which they can increase their revenues to recoup and offset all that spending. Even with that being said, this would be a challenge simply due to the nature of the current financial system being in a chaos. A number of businesses are already paying taxes in excess of 50% when combined with federal employment tax, social security, state taxes, federal, sales tax, etc.

Second option for controlling the recession would be by simply printing money as the gold standards are not applicable. This will simply create inflation and also raise the prices and devalue the dollar. Based on the current rate that the Federal Reserve is printing money, we will see a huge drop in the dollar valuation in the upcoming 12-18 months. This would perhaps be the most favorable option for them due to simple economics. When you are in inflation, the dollar is devalued and the prices go up. Once the dollar is devalued, the government collects more money quickly. However this is also a very risky game especially for foreign investors. Not only we will be in inflation but the Federal Reserve will need to pull all that money back, so we are caught in a catch 22. After all, we do not want to end up like Zimbabwe with inflation rising exponentially.

This is perhaps the very reason why the foreign investors are concerned with the current state of the US Economy and not knowing which way the current administration is going to turn to overcome this recession. We are already seeing the government burdening the new generation with exorbitant debt and obligations, what is going to be next? The Chinese have been proposing of an idea to use a global currency system to replace the dollar. If that happens, not only are we going to lose the upper hand in the global arena but also in the Oil trading platforms and currency. We just took a back seat this week based on a report out of Geneva, Switzerland that American is now the 2nd most competitive economy in the world after Switzerland.

My Thoughts: Make wise investments and possibly diversify your holdings in a Global Market. Position your companies so that they are on the gaining side and not losing. All the best Men!

Rahim Thawer / CEO of Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc